In a powerful collaboration between WWF and the London-based animation company NOMINT, the duo unveils their latest endeavor, “Up in Smoke,” a poignant film released during COP28 that urgently addresses the global climate crisis fueled by fossil fuel emissions. This innovative project builds upon their acclaimed works like “Can’t Negotiate the Melting Point of Ice” and “A Flammable Planet,” merging artistic creativity with environmental activism.
“Up in Smoke” utilizes groundbreaking stop-motion animation featuring real smoke to vividly depict the dire consequences of fossil fuel emissions on both humanity and the planet. The film is not merely a visual spectacle; it is a call to action, inviting viewers into a world where a young girl confronts the devastating impact of a smoke-filled environment, symbolizing the urgency of addressing climate change.
NOMINT’s unique production process for “Up in Smoke” involved integrating stop-motion animation with real smoke, along with employing full-color 3D printing to craft over 700 distinct sculptures for various poses of the central character. This year-long project, shot entirely in-camera, showcases NOMINT’s commitment to delivering impactful environmental messages through innovative visual storytelling. Directed by co-founder Yannis Konstantinidis, “Up in Smoke” exemplifies the fusion of technology and narrative that characterizes NOMINT’s work.
The film draws inspiration from its predecessors, “Can’t Negotiate the Melting Point of Ice” and “A Flammable Planet,” known for using real melting ice and live fire, respectively. Both earlier works garnered critical acclaim and numerous awards, including Cannes Lions, Webbys, Clios, One Show, and D&ADs, establishing a legacy of excellence in environmental storytelling.
“Up in Smoke” features a moving rendition of Billie Eilish’s hit song “When the Party’s Over,” performed by The Social Singing Choir from Margate. This choir, known for its inclusive approach to music, adds an emotional layer to the film’s narrative. The collaboration between WWF, NOMINT, and The Social Singing Choir creates a harmonious blend of art, activism, and music.
Beyond its artistic brilliance, “Up in Smoke” serves as a powerful call to action against the climate crisis. Released at COP28, WWF emphasizes the urgency of global commitment to phasing out fossil fuels well before 2050 and accelerating the shift to 100% renewable energy. The film challenges viewers to reflect on the consequences of inaction and advocates for ambitious targets to transform the global energy system.
In conclusion, “WWF “Up in Smoke”” is more than a film; it’s a visual manifesto demanding attention, action, and a collective commitment to a sustainable future. As the world grapples with the climate crisis, this collaboration between WWF and NOMINT stands as a beacon, urging nations to unite in the fight against environmental degradation.